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Pyrford C of E Primary School
Pyrford C of E Primary School


C of E Primary School



At Pyrford Primary we strive to provide an ambitious curriculum that includes a range of experiences to excite, stimulate and engage children. We aim to inspire children to becoming lifelong learners from the very start of their education. Underpinned by a secure foundation of essential skills, children are provided with an opportunity to develop these through the use of high-quality texts and rich resources designed to motivate learning, making it irresistible and accessible for all.  Our curriculum is designed to build a firm foundation of the skills, knowledge and vocabulary that children need to access our school’s National Curriculum offer at KS1 & 2. 

Throughout our Nursery and Reception classes children are provided with a variety of learning and experiences to explore, through direct teaching, collaborative learning and child led purposeful play in a well-planned and carefully resourced learning environment both indoors and out. High quality interactions with adults build strong relationships between the adults and children, ensuring that all children are happy, feel safe and are ready to learn. Children are provided with many purposeful experiences that allow them embed new skills and knowledge, develop their characteristics of effective learning alongside our school values of love, resilience, wisdom and respect.

Our early years children feel safe, happy and ready to learn. Children are excited to come to school and engage with the learning independently and with confidence. Children identify activities they enjoy and build resilience to persevere when faced with a challenge. Children worked collaboratively with others and enjoy outdoor play alongside inside challenges. Children make progress within the EYFS curriculum with the skills and knowledge they need to access the National Curriculum at the start of year 1.