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Pyrford C of E Primary School
Pyrford C of E Primary School


C of E Primary School

Our Golden Book Winners


Congratulations to our Golden Book winners

N SQUIRRELS - Toby Igboebisi & Nico Kale Parron. We have been learning about minibeasts and the children have loved searching for them in the garden. Nico and Toby found a minibeast, put it ina bowl and got6 the magnifying glasses so they could look at it more closely. They were so interested in what they found.

R BEECH - Zaina Sajjad for creating a stunning snail in the style of Henri Matisse. She used a combination of collage, layering and textures. Well done Zaina!

R HAZEL - Hadi Zaib for showing so much kindness and empathy towards his classmates. He asks them to play when he notices they are lonely and will someone if they have hurt themselves. Well done Hadi, you are a wonderful example of our school values.

1 OAK - Hania Bhatti & Amelia Vymetal  for their detailed printing blocks. They used them to create wonderful artwork in the style of Hannah Rampley.

1 PINE - Yousef Khan for being a money superstar. He was a whizz at recognising all the coins and adding them up to makes different amounts. Well done Yousef!

YEAR 2 - All of Cedar & Hawthorn Classes for their exceptional behaviour and engagement on our trip to The Look Out Centre today. You did Pyrford proud!

3 ELM  - George Watson. The children wrote their own adventure stories inspired by their text The Green Ship. George wrote a brilliant tale, using personification of weather, powerful verbs, interesting adverbs and conjunctions. Wonderful work George!

3 MAPLE - Zimal Abdullah & Jay Doyle. The children wrote their own adventure stories based on their book The Green Ship. Zimal and Jay both included excellent details and used personification effectively to describe the weather.

4 ALDER - Hugo Kelly & Mitzi Schifano for their creativity in everything they do. They both shine for their imaginative writing, art and DT and for always giving ideas and thoughts that nobody else has. Well done Hugo and Mitzi - you’re both brilliant!

4 BIRCH - Elliot Lewis. We have started our Shang Dynasty topic and learned all about oracle bones. Elliot loved creating his out of clay, carefully modelling it to create a flat surface and using the tools to inscribe oracle bone scripture. We think he did a fantastic job and Miss Daly is very proud of him!

4 LARCH - Freddie Smith for his achievement, engagement and sportsmanship in PE lessons and wider sporting opportunities this year. His love of sport is clearly evident and it’s wonderful to see such passion and enthusiasm. He represented the school really well in District Sports and Mrs Brockway was so proud to see his achievement.

5 ROWAN - Hugo Campbell-Wild for his fantastic work in History. This is a subject for which he has a real passion and he continually impresses Miss Wilson with his enthusiasm and knowledge. After our recent visit to St Nicholas Church, Hugo was able to create a plan and show where additional things were added to the original Norman building. Well done!

5 WILLOW - Hajara Sajid for the incredible letter she wrote in role as Nellie (sister of an imprisoned Suffragette). It is clear that she has listened to feedback about how to improve her writing when drafting her letter and subsequently implemented it into her final written piece. Mrs Woodhams is very proud of her - the letter is beautifully written!

6 HOLLY - Max Brownlie. Year 6 have really enjoyed learning about their significant person - Arthur Wharton, the first black professional football player in the 1880s. Max produced a brilliant double page information sheet about him, including an illustration and flag of Ghana. Max was so impressed that not only was Arthur a footballer, he also held the 100m sprint record for a long time. Well done Max!

6 LAUREL - Freya O’Brien for her incredible work during their Junior STEM Lego Robotics workshop. Freya worked hard in her group to bujld a fantastic model, learning to programme sensors, motors and lights to bring the Lego model to life. Well done Freya, keep up the great work!