Our Golden Book Winners

Congratulations to our Golden Book winners
N SQUIRRELS - Max W Max has had a brilliant half term. He engages in all our activities and joins the children in their play. Max is thriving at Squirrels and we love to see how happy he is!
R BEECH - Alex for becoming a superstar writer. This week she chose to write and reflect on the learning we have been doing in assembly. She clearly listened well and thought about what the stories mean to her. What a lovely topic to write about! “God helps people if he sees them. If I suddenly fall God can help me or the teacher can sometimes. Amen. David’s friend died. He was sad so David put his tears in a bottle, Amen. God believes in everyone but not people who lie Amen.”
R HAZEL - Kayleigh for doing so well with her reading. We are very proud of her putting in a lot of effort, as well as having lots of enthusiasm, reading at home this weekend with Bedtime Bear. Well done Kayleigh!
1 OAK - Arabella We have been writing the story of Augustus the tiger who lost his smile. She used wonderful adjectives to add detail to her writing and used capital letters and full stops to punctuate her sentences. Miss Daly is so proud of the effort she is making in her writing and the progress she is making - well done Arabella!
1 PINE - Thea for making excellent progress with her writing. She has been working hard to remember full stops, capital letters and forming her letters correctly. Well done Thea, keep it up!
2 CEDAR - Aayat for her amazing Maths work. We recently recapped addition and subtraction and Aayat worked hard in every lesson, particularly in our subtraction lesson where she completed all the tasks and challenges. Keep up the hard work!
2 HAWTHORN - Tabs Tabs was inspired by her trip to Brooklands Museum, where she shared how her great, great grandfather was part of a team to develop an engine. She showed her own creativity by inventing a flying machine The Great Napier!
3 ELM - Charlie This week we started our new text How the stars came to be. Charlie responded to the story with this beautiful drawing using shape and colour to great effect. Wonderful work Charlie!
3 MAPLE - Austin for his excellent work in Geography. Mrs Brockway was very impressed with how confidently he labelled a map of Spain and how neatly he presented his work.
4 ALDER - Bethany In English, Year 4 wrote poems showing how Varjak Paw was confused thinking that cars were dogs. Bethany thought very creatively and used some excellent adjectives and verbs to describe what Varjak saw. Brilliant, imaginative writing Bethany!
4 LARCH - Kira Kira has impressed us with her musical ability in our brass lessons. She has been learning to read notations and play the notes beautifully on the cornet.
5 CHERRY - Mia M In Year 5 we have been writing a diary entry from the perspective of the protagonist of our book Floodland. Miss Dennis was really impressed with Mia’s use of powerful vocabulary and ‘show, not tell’ technique to show how the character is feeling. Well done Mia, keep up the fabulous work!
5 ROWAN - Nicole In Art we have been learning how artists use perspective to create depth and make their pictures look more realistic. This week we used a technique called foreshortening to create a superhero. Miss Wilson was really impressed by Nicole’s drawing. She has taken great care and precision to create the effect that her superhero is coming straight towards us. Great work Nicole.
5 WILLOW - Jessica for excellent participation in PE. She has been demonstrating great sportsmanship during our football lessons as well as excellent creativity during our Dance unit. Mrs Woodhams has seen great improvements over the last few weeks. Keep up the fabulous work Jessica!
6 HOLLY - Immy In our arithmetic lesson this week, Imogen was so thrilled that she got nearly all the answers correct. She has worked so hard all year with her Maths and this week has proved that she understands the processes in all types of arithmetic calculations. Mrs Bull is so proud of her and knows that Immy is proud of herself too. Well done!
6 LAUREL - Belle for working so hard in English. She took such care working on her mind map to describe a jungle story setting and prepared a strong argument for sailing around the world. Belle is really enjoying Kensuke’s Kingdom, as are the rest of the class. Well done Belle, keep up the great writing!